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Yuya Morishima

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Born overseas in Gifu, Japan, Yuya Morishima was drawn towards Whitehorse, Yukon due to the First Nations rich culture and traditional arts.


Upon discovering an advertisement for Northern Cultural Expressions Society it motivated Yuya to join the “Beginner Carvers Program”. This program has given him endless opportunities to participate in workshops such as knife making, block print and silk-screening, and beaded cardholders. With his new skillset, it allows him to continue in developing his technique in defining his own styles and designs.


“When I saw a totem pole while traveling in Canada, I just knew that carving was what I wanted to do and it’s my goal to make my own totem pole one day.”

-Yuya Morishima 

Northern Cultural Expression Society

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Wood Carvings

Northern Cultural Expressions Society 2020

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