Calvin Morberg

Calvin Morberg was born and raised in the Yukon Territory. He comes from the Dak’lawèidí (eagle clan) of the inland Tlingit Nation. Calvin pursued carving to capture his native heritage and its rich carving traditions, which was inspired by Tlingit carver Alex Dickson, and studied under renowned Yukon artists in a variety of capacities leading him to work with wood and ivory.
Since he began carving, Calvin’s work has received much critical acclaim. He was chosen to travel with a group of Aboriginal artists to Arizona and Peru to showcase his art in 2005 and was subsequently commissioned to carve a mask for the Canada Winter Games Host Society in 2007. The Department of Tourism and Culture’s Cultural Services Branch selected Calvin as one of five Yukon artists to travel to Russia collaborating with Russian artists on a multi-medium piece of art for the “Inspired by Nature” international project in 2008. As a participant of the Yukon Snow Carving team, Calvin competed in the Harbin Snow and Ice Sculpture festival in Northern China, as well as in Quebec and Whistler, BC.
Calvin took part in a 16 week carving project that became the foundation for the program. The first version of the project had Tlingit carvers teaching introductory design carving skills with other instructors contributing life skills and basic business skills training.
“This work runs through my blood, Its a way of showing who our people are. It makes me proud of where I come from, it gives me strength in carrying on the traditions of my people.” - Calvin Morberg
Calvin’s art is displayed at Northern Cultural Expressions Society gallery in Whitehorse, Yukon.